What does your work area look like?

showed me his if I showed
him mine.

When I’m not at the HQ office in DC
(I almost never am), I work here…

A picture named M2

1 – 93% of the furniture budget went
into the one chair I can sit in for more than 4 hours

2 – Thinkpad in a full dock, hidden
under pile of unrecorded 2008 expense receipts as an anti-theft measure.
 Never been stolen.  Due for a Mac replacement in Fall 2008.

3 – Dual monitors… Chat windows stay
to the right.   Everything else to the left on a 20" 1600×1200
DVI (rotated with Portrait.com driver).  Webcam sits on top.

4 – "No wires allowed" desk
with Bluetooth everything.  Love the Logitech DiNovo kit… has the
Thinkpad feel.

5 – Pile of 2007 expenses not yet entered.

6 – view of students walking between
classes at the
of Delaware
one block away, mostly

7 – awards from Lotus industry, 2003
& 2005
championship signed game balls.

8 – Required for breaking the monotony
of software work
, YouTube playalongs,
or whenever Notes is performing a consistency check on my 3GB mailfile.

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