DominoPoint conference approaches 500 attendees

I’m honored to be presenting this Friday,
10 October, in Milano at the annual conference of the Italian Lotus users
group, DominoPoint.  The free "DominoPoint Day 2" (the second
annual event) has about 500 attendees signed up, which makes this event
as large as any other conference in Europe this year.  In fact, perhaps
second only to Lotusphere I think.  The dedicated DominoPoint organizers
(Daniele Grillo, Claudio Meregalli, and Giuseppe Grasso) are following
the ILUG model, whereby the sponsors pay most of the costs (IBM helps,
too), and the delegates pay no fee to attend.  This approach has proven
big attendance numbers at ILUG, UKLUG, and other events.

A picture named M2

This will be exciting for me personally,
because Italy is my favorite country to visit.  Where else can you
find the convergence of music, art, religion, architecture, archeology,
geography, cuisine, and more, all in such a small area?

I’ve been to Italy a bunch of times,
totaling probably 5 months of my life.  I speak enough tourist Italian
to get around, but certainly not in a business context.  I think I’ll
be the only native English speaker at the conference, and the only presentation
in English.  In fact, I’ll be the only person at the event who does
not understand Italian very well.  But that’s part of the fun!

My topic is Fixing Application Performance

Does your database become
very slow in production with more documents and more users? You will learn
to prevent, identify, and fix the most common performance problems right
in the design of your applications! Over 40 Notes and Web performance tips
cover formulas, LotusScript, agents, views, forms, images, DB properties,
security, CSS, JavaScript, GZip, and even a few server settings every developer
should know.  Learn how to trace slow performance in existing applications,
including an open source tool to reveal what Notes is waiting for when
you see the yellow lightning symbol.  Emphasis is placed on balancing
performance, maintainability and functionality.

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